A Week of OTD via my Blackberry
My camera is out of service...Well not the camera but I need a new battery. Sucks! So my outfit posts are via my BlackBerry in the bathroom at work until the new one comes from Ebay. I am trying to get to a point where I can post more, but I am always so busy. I promise to keep up. So here I present Outfit of The Day Camera in the Mirror BBM Pose. LOL!

Love the blazers!
Ask the Duplex
Gorgeous! I love the blazer over the stripes! Really pretty!
Erin @ http://www.trufflesnruffles.com/
Love the blazer! Very chic!
Love blazer. All the looks are super cute!
Big Hugs and Thank Ladies!!
great photos, you've really put together a great collection of styles, especially with that blazer and chiffon shirt :)
Thank you Natalie!! I am a biggg fan of your blog! You are gorgeous!
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